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الأربعاء، 14 مارس 2012

Windows Movie Maker نسخة عربية من برنامج

Windows Movie Maker نسخة عربية من برنامج 

تحميل البرنامج مجانا

Windows Movie Maker نسخة عربية من برنامج انتاج وتحرير الافلام المنزلية وتحويلها والتلاعب فيها بحرية لويندوز اكس بي Windows XP..
يجعل Windows Movie Maker 2 إنشاء الأفلام المنزلية أمرًا ممتعًا بدرجة مذهلة. فيمكنك من خلال Movie Maker 2 إنشاء أفلام منزلية وتحريره
ا ومشاركتها دون مغادرة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك. قم بإنشاء فيلمك الخاص بعدد قليل فقط من حركات السحب والإفلات البسيطة. قم بحذف اللقطات السيئة وتضمين أفضل المشاهد فقط. ثم قم بمشاركة فيلمك عبر ويب أو البريد الإلكتروني أو القرص المضغوط. ويمكنك باستخدام البرامج الخاصة بجهات خارجية الاستفادة من الأفلام التي قمت بإنشائها وتحويلها إلى أفلام DVD. كما يمكنك أيضًا إعادة حفظ الفيلم مرة أخرى على شريط الفيديو في الكاميرا لتشغيله على تلفاز أو على الكاميرا نفسها.
حمل هذه النسخة مجاناً من جي سوفت وتمتع بالمميزات الفريدة فيها والقوية جداً فقط من جي سوفت 
هذه النسخة متوافقه مع Windows Xp [برنامج رائع من جي سوفت هو برنامج Windows Movie Maker ...]
تحميل البرنامج مجانا

برنامج تحميل الصوتيات فى ثلاث دقائق Music Download Center

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برنامج انترنت تحميل اغاني Music Download Center البرنامج انترنت تحميل اغاني يسمح لك بحث عن اغاني مفضلة لديك و تحميلها على الجهاز بكل سهولة.
يسمح لك البرنامج انترنت تحميل تصفح الانترنت و استماع الى اغاني المفضلة.
باضافة الى هذا, يوفر برنامج انترنت تحميل الغديد من محطات الراديو التي يمكنك استخدامها للاستماع الى محطات عالمية عديدة

 Music Download Center 

Internet software Download Music Music Download Center Internet program that allows you to download music search for favorite songs and you have loaded on the machine with ease.

The program allows you to download the Internet and surf the Internet to listen to music ad.

Add to this, the program provides Internet download Algdid of radio stations that you can use to listen to the stations, many international

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برنامج تسريع التحميل من الانترنت كسرعة البرق Download Accelerator Plus

 Download Accelerator Plus
برنامج تسريع التحميل من الانترنت كسرعة البرق  Download Accelerator Plus

Releaselog Accelerator Download Accelerator Plus is an acceleration program Releaselog best download accelerators, where the program has achieved the highest use among Internet users. The program for Atsalataat while downloading the file to speed up the download process.

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During the operation of the program will find some of the ads developed by the company to make money, but this does not affect at all on the performance of the program. The program provides Adawat Releaselog acceleration and also you can use it to browse sites and management
download  Download Accelerator Plus

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موقع بحيرة العرب برنامج تسريع داونلود Download Accelerator Plus 

برنامج اضافة 1000 صديق كل يوم FaceBook Blaster Pro

The program FaceBook Blaster Pro Add to Facebook friends easily and is the father of the best Facebook social sites and the most famous at all. The program offers you the best Cl for marketing the products by the addition of friends and put ads on your home page. The program is characterized by a strong and Bmzaah huge and also very easy to use, where all you have is to use an account in Facebook Bok to the program work.
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download now FaceBook Blaster Pro

يقوم البرنامج FaceBook Blaster Pro اضافة اصدقاء على فيس بوك بكل سهولة و يعتبر فيس ابوك من افضل مواقع الاجتماعية و اشهرها على الاطلاق. يقدم لك البرنامج الاحل الامثل للتسويق عن المنتجات عن طريق اضافة الاصدقاء و وضع الاعلانات على الصفحة الرئيسية الخاصة بك. البرنامج قوي و يمتاز بمزاية هائلة وايضاً سهل جداً للاستخدام حيث كل ما عليك هو استخدام حساب في الفيس البوك ليقوم البرنامج بعمله.
موقع بحيرة العرب برنامج اضافة اصدقاء على فيس بوك FaceBook Blaster Pro 

الاثنين، 12 مارس 2012

Getting paid for wasting time on facebook!!

Getting paid for wasting time on facebook!!            

Did you know that Facebook makes hundreds of millions of dollars every month from advertising on the pages, groups, wall posts, photos, videos and comments that it's users (you and me) create?

Don't you think that as we are the ones creating all the content and activity that brings in all this advertising money that we should be getting some of it? Well I certainly did and I decided to do something about it. I figured there had to be a way for me to get a slice of the action and actually earn some money from all the time I was spending on Facebook. Surely thats not too much to ask right?

Anyway, after months of trial and error I finally cracked it! Once I figured it out it seemed so obvious that I couldn't believe that I hadn't figured it out before!! I have been perfecting this sytem in my spare time on facebook over the last few months and have finally got it to the stage now where I know I could share it with anyone and they could also start making extra cash while they are wasting time on facebook. And in the spirit of social networking and sharing I'm going to show you for free exactly what my system is, step by step so that you can replicate my success and like me, make some extra cash while you are screwing around on Facebook.

Just to clarify, what I do has nothing to with selling to your friends, DO NOT do try this as it will just piss them off and you won't have friends for very long if you try it. It doesn't require you to do any extra work or learn any special skills or anything requiring effort like that and you don't have to spend any extra time working on it either. You can do it during the time that you already spend on facebook but now instead of wasting time you will actually be getting paid!! I don't mind sharing this with you guys because even though with my system the more time you waste on facebook the more you earn, facebook is now so frigging enormous that I couldn't even make 0.001% of the money that can be made even if I spent 24 hours a day on facebook. That's where you come in :-)

So like I said at the start, I'm going to give you all the details of how to do exactly what I do to make money whilst wasting time on facebook for free, but there is one little catch. I'm trying to help as many people as I can by sharing this great system and just like you probably found this page because somoeone you know came accross it and "liked" it, it would be awesome if you could help share the knowledge by clicking the  button at the top of this page. Once you do that details will appear below so that you can get your free copy of my blueprint for making money whilst screwing around on Facebook. So just click the "like" button at the top of this page then come back down here and get your copy of my "make money while wasting time on facebook" system straight away.

So GO!! Click the like button at the top of this page and lets get started!

السبت، 10 مارس 2012

Facebook Co-Founder Takes the Reins at ‘New Republic’ Magazine

Facebook Co-Founder Takes the Reins at ‘New Republic’ Magazine

Chris Hughes, 28-year-old new media mogul and Facebook co-founder, is now the publisher and editor-in-chief of The New Republic after buying a majority stake of the long-standing progressive magazine.

Hughes revealed his plans for TNR in a letter Friday:

“Most of us get our news from social networks, blogs, and daily aggregators. The web has introduced a competitive, and some might argue hostile, landscape for long, in-depth, resource-intensive journalism. But as we’ve seen with the rise of tablets and mobile reading devices, it is an ever shifting landscape — one that I believe now offers opportunities to reinvigorate the forms of journalism that examine the challenges of our time in all their complexity. Although the method of delivery of important ideas had undergone drastic change over the past 15 years, the hunger for them has not dissipated.”

Hughes, who was Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate at Harvard University, previously spearheaded publicity for Facebook in its early days, but he eventually quit in 2007 to join President Barack Obama’s campaign staff as the director of Online Organizing. He was responsible for the grassroots campaign on social media that attracted an unprecedented number of young voters. He later founded Jumo, an online hub for social charities that recently merged with GOOD magazine.

Despite The New Republic’s small circulation and tiny staff, it has a widespread influence. But it’s also been losing money — a factor many wonder whether Hughes will help transform.

For Hughes, though, turning The New Republic into the next Facebook is not his priority. “Profit per se is not my motive. The reason I’m getting involved here is that I believe in the type of vigorous and contextual journalism that we — we in general as a society — need,” he told The New York Times.

And while Hughes maintains that he’s committed to producing long-form journalism and hardly uses Twitter, he did tweet his thoughts about his new ownership: